Posted: October 15th, 2022

Which duty do you believe is higher, the duty of corporations to pay tax to government or the duty of corporations to pay dividends to shareholders?

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Chapter 11 of the textbook [Attachment]
Review the material in Chapter 11 of the textbook. Then, go to the discussion forum for Unit 7 and engage in a dialogue with your classmates on the following topic:
Sometimes companies move their corporate headquarters out of their home countries to countries with more favorable tax treatment. Which duty do you believe is higher, the duty of corporations to pay tax to government or the duty of corporations to pay dividends to shareholders? Be sure to explain your answer.
Should the concerns of stakeholders other than shareholders be taken into account by corporations?
Why are taxes often more of an issue with corporations than with other business entities?
***Note: Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.

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