Posted: October 2nd, 2022

Why did Ron Johnson’s attempt to change JCPenney’s strategic position from cost-leadership to a blue ocean strategy fail so spectacularly?

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This assignment gives you the opportunity to write on topics that are central to understanding strategic management (see course learning objective 1). I will assign one of the mini cases from the textbook—mini case #6 JCPenney—and ask specific questions that you should address in the context of that case. Excellent submissions will be those that persuasively demonstrate mastery of pertinent course material. You are also encouraged to do external research rather than solely relying on the case content.
Basic Guidelines. Please be specific and to-the-point in formulating your responses to the questions. Rather than summarizing the case facts, I expect you to approach the information provided in the case with an analytical mind and use course terminology to support your arguments. Submissions should not exceed 1,000 words in length (which is about 3-4 pages double spaced, font size 12).
The case analysis must include:
1. Case synopsis and summary of facts relevant to your case question(s)
2. Analysis presenting an answer to your case question(s)
3. Conclusion
4. References
These questions below MUST be addressed in your case analysis.
1. Why did Ron Johnson’s attempt to change JCPenney’s strategic position from cost-leadership to a blue ocean strategy fail so spectacularly? What are some of the lessons?
2. You are part of the McKinsey strategy consulting team that the new CEO, Jill Soltau, retained to help turn around JCPenney. What recommendations would you give her? In particular, what type of business strategy would you want JCPenney to pursue, and how would you make the changes necessary? Be specific.

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