Posted: February 22nd, 2022
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For this assignment, write a minimum of 750 words per topic. You will select one topic per lesson for a total of two topics. Submit in one document. For more detailed instructions, review the Instructions for Lesson Writing Assignments.
Lesson 1 Topics
1) Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? What reasons might explain why someone would prefer the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution? What were the biggest benefits of the Constitution over the Articles of Confederation?
Lesson 2 Topics
1) Both the president and Congress play a role in decisions regarding the use of military force. What are the presidents powers in this area? Who helps the president craft foreign policy? What are the powers of Congress in this area? Read the article . Why do you think members of Congress have been willing not to vote on the use of force and to allow modern presidents (such as Bush, Obama and Trump) to take the lead in this area? Do you think Congress should play a larger role in decisions regarding the use of military force?
All deadlines are U.S. Central Time.
Complete and submit your assignment as instructed.
You should use New Courier or Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spacing, and one inch margins on all four sides of the paper.
The assignment is to be formatted according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style which includes a works cited page but does NOT include a title page. Students should research this style in order to properly format the assignment (see the ). This guide should also be used for in-text citations and your Works Cited page.
Write the entire topic at the top of the page before you begin your answer. Repeat for the second topic and answer.
Answers should be composed of multiple paragraphs, not just one block of text.
You should have a Works Cited page, and it should be the final page(s) of the document. You only need one. Do not include a Works Cited page after each topic.
Submit it all in one document. Do not paste it in the “Write Submission” area.
Be mindful of the extension types Blackboard accepts. If you submit the wrong file type, it cannot be graded and will receive a 0.
Blackboard sometimes distorts Word documents after you submit them. Submitting your work as a PDF may help avoid this.
Once you upload your submission, check it to make sure it displays and that it uploaded properly.
Start your next section (be it the next topic or the Works Cited page) on a new page.
You are expected to use in-text citations consistent with MLA standards (consult the Purdue OWL for assistance). You are getting your information from the book or a link in the topic, so you need to properly cite. Uncited material (even if you have a Works Cited page) is plagiarism. It could lead to you receiving a 0 for the assignment. If it happened a second time, it would result in an F grade for the class.
Do not copy information from any source. Either quote it or paraphrase it. In either case, place an in-text citation at the end of the sentence. If you choose to quote your sources, use them sparingly. Do not treat assignments as if they are scavenger hunts. There is a difference between finding a wall of text that may be the answer and understanding the answer then writing it in your own words. If a significant part of your answer is someone else’s work (even when properly cited), your grade will suffer.
If you use information from a source (the book, articles, etc.), you have to cite it at the end of the sentence. Failing to do so is plagiarism.
Do not make references to the book in your writing. Do not say things like “The book says”. Say what you are going to say (or quote) and use an in-text citation at the end of the sentence.
You may only use the book and/or the links provided to answer the topics. The book should be the bedrock of your answer, though*.
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