Posted: October 9th, 2022

Why did you decide to pursue admission to the Broad College?

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1) Why did you decide to pursue admission to the Broad College? What influenced this decision? (250 word limit): Attended Davenport University. I wanted to leverage my intellectual awareness to attend a well rounded business school that provides what I needed (input what broad has to offer based on research) 2) What do you see as a significant challenge you have faced? How did you overcome this challenge? Where did you go for support? (250 word limit):
Culture shock I came to the USA as refugee I did not know how to speak the language Built the awareness to belong Communicated as best of my ability with peers, teachers, and mentors. Sought friendships Joined local youth group through Fifth Reformed Church to help support my understanding of the culture 3) Please discuss the one activity you have undertaken in your senior year of high school through your time at MSU that best demonstrates why you would be an asset to the Broad College. (250 word limit): The activity is Soccer Freestyle High school talent show. Half time shows Adidas sponsored Shows for NBA Red Bull Competitions Participated in USA Freestyle National Championship Mention the dedication focus and effort to be effortlessly good at the activity. Broad college at msu is a business school, relate the activity towards building the demeanor of a business student

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