Posted: October 24th, 2022

Why or why not?

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Please just copy and answer the questions. One attachment is the case and the other one has the three frameworks and some background information.
1-Should Sean Ansett report this Tunisia factory to the local authority? Why or why not? Please use three frameworks in ethical decision-making (one of this session’s readings) to guide your decision.
2- Should Ansett recommend the supplier to the Italian luxury brand? What are some of the considerations for benefits and costs?
3- If the Italian luxury brand decided to source from this Tunisian factory, to what extent it is responsible for harms that might arise in its supply chain? (use the supplement readings as a guide)
4-Why is it hard for multinational companies to implement their code-of-conduct effectively? How can they ensure the effective implementation of the code of conduct?
5-In your opinion, how can we eliminate child labor in the world?

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