Posted: November 18th, 2022

Why or why not?

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1. How would you describe the pharmaceutical industry’s strategy leading up to the opioid crisis? Was it ethical? Why or why not?
2. Who are the key stakeholders in the U.S. opioid crisis besides the drug manufacturers? In what ways, if any, should these other stakeholders bear responsibility for the crisis?
3. Is there anything that the pharmaceutical industry has done or is now doing in the aftermath of that crisis that could be considered “unethical” by its stakeholders? What grade would you assign to the industry for its handling of the crisis? Explain.
4. What specific actions could the pharmaceutical industry take to behave in a socially responsible manner?
5. What might be the long-term interests of shareholders? How might a commitment to behaving in a socially responsible manner contribute to the pharmaceutical industry’s competitive advantage or profitability

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