Posted: August 13th, 2022

Why was Cucina Fresca pasta successful? How would you compare the pizza opportunity to that for pasta? How would you compare the actual product development process for each?

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Why was Cucina Fresca pasta successful? How would you compare the pizza opportunity to that for pasta? How would you compare the actual product development process for each?
What can the TruEarth team learn from the research presented in Exhibit 6 of the case about how consumers view pizza?
Rationale for Informed Decision:
Analyze and interpret the case data provided to make a decision to inform whether or not you would launch the pizza. Articulate the decision and supporting rationale in a manner that would persuade stakeholder support.
Evaluate the benefits and limitations associated with research-informed decision-making, particularly as it is shaped by available data.
Leaders will find themselves in situations in which the data does not provide clarity and a defined optimal choice. In these circumstances, leaders have to make choices based on their own past experiences, judgment, and personal ethics/worldview. How might your past experiences, judgment and ethics/worldview shape and influence your business decisions?

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