Posted: September 10th, 2022

With precise research question that must include an independent variable and a dependant variable in particular time period

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This is a very simple task that will only take few hours out of your precious time 🙂
The main purpose is to prove that you understood CHAPTER THREE, the cultural anthropological concepts, research methods and connectedness to real life. Write an anthropological research plan that must include the following:
A precise research topic
In a particular society
With precise research question that must include an independent variable and a dependant variable
in particular time period
About a particular research population
You should prepare a very brief literature review that show that you are aware of the scholarly work that tackled the topic you are going to study in this research.
You should explain which primary sources and which secondary sources you are going to use and why.
You should explain whether quantitative or qualitative data would be the most targeted in this research, and why.
You should explain which research tools you are going to use to collect data, date and why do you think that they are the most appropriate.
You have to choice to explain your hypothesis and reasoning behind it.
In the conclusion you will explain how the previous steps could lead you to an academic answer of your research question. It would be better to also explain your expectations about the difficulties and limitations you might face when you conduct this research in reality.
You should write all the research plan entirely in your own words, without copying anything whatsoever from any source whatsoever. This written document will be submitted by 12 September 11:59 pm. You will be required to orally summarize it to us in the class without using any slides or papers, while you are clearly looking towards the audience all the time and interacting with them to make them understand your research plan. You should be able to orally answer any oral question about CHAPTER THREE. I mainly care about the quality, integrity and originality of your work, regardless of the number of words or the length of the presentations.
Remember that plagiarism = ZERO

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