Posted: September 26th, 2022

With reference to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, compare and contrast the values of Canada with the country that has been selected{Taiwan} as trading partner in Trading Partner Report, on the following indexes and dimensions: power distance masculinity individualism uncertainty avoidance long term orientation

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With reference to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, compare and contrast the values of Canada with the country that has been selected{Taiwan} as trading partner in Trading Partner Report, on the following indexes and dimensions:
power distance
uncertainty avoidance
long term orientation
In your opinion, what is the managerial implication for conducting business in that country?
Suggested website resources:
Hofstede Website
Visit the above website
Select Canada & 2nd Country in TYPE A COUNTRY box .
Review the Cultural Score of the countries.
Click READ MORE ABOUT CHOSEN COUNTRIES to get detailed interpretation of the score
Do Not copy-paste information from the website .
Review the Hofstede Insights Video below .

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