Posted: February 22nd, 2022

With respect to large unions with a national presence, should prerogatives at the local or national level take higher priority when negotiating new agreements with employers?

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This week’s content discussed contract negotiations and measures of recourse in the event of impasse. Consider and comment on the following questions:
1. With respect to large unions with a national presence, should prerogatives at the local or national level take higher priority when negotiating new agreements with employers? For example, if a new union were voted in to represent Walmart employees, would it be better if the union negotiated one big nation-wide contract for all stores and all employees? Or would it be better for the union to negotiate different terms at the individual store level (i.e. treating each store as a separate employer)? Explain your reasoning.
2. Insofar as impasses are concerned, do you think the rules concerning the use of strikes and lockouts are fair and balanced between unions and employers? Does either side have stronger leverage with respect to these tools? Why or why not?

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