Posted: June 2nd, 2022

With the millions of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the Big Data these devices generate on a continuous basis has led to IOT networking based on fog computing. Cloud computing which is a centralized source is too slow in many cases for the IOT devices creating latency in the data transmission. T

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With the millions of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the Big Data these devices generate on a continuous basis has led to IOT networking based on fog computing. Cloud computing which is a centralized source is too slow in many cases for the IOT devices creating latency in the data transmission. Think of a patient whose vital signs are monitored by IOT devices, the medical personnel need to be able to monitor these devices while not having to stay by the patient’s bedside. Review the following articles on fog computing then describe a situation where fog computing is needed.

Fog Computing And IoT: The Future Of IoT App Development
Discuss an application area with lots of IOT devices and high amounts of data. For the example you select provide a comparative discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of fog computing for the IOT devices.

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