Posted: November 15th, 2022

Within the selected industry, research at least n specific businesses/organizations, where n is the number of team members.

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Information systems are extensively used in every business and greatly impact our information systems are used in that academic institutions (focus on UBC).. The summary should include relevance/justification of the selected industry, your planned research methodology, and a proposed work distribution between group members. Within the selected industry, research at least n specific businesses/organizations, where n is the number of team members. Consolidate and submit your findings as a single integrated, cohesive report. Your research must also be critical of the information systems in place and suggest enhancements.
➢ Deliverables:
1. A Final Report (not exceeding 3000 words, excluding Executive Summary and Bibliography)
with at least the following sections:
• Executive Summary (max 300 words)
• Identification of information systems commonly in use in the selected industry
• Selected businesses/organizations with specific information systems
• Suggested enhancements
• Ethical issues
• An itemized statement on division of work among group members. (Note: simply
stating that work was equally shared is not sufficient).
• Bibliography
The book is Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm, 17th ed (© 2022) by K. C. Laudon and J. P. Laudon

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