Posted: May 23rd, 2022

Write a 1500-word (±10%) popular press magazine article that convinces readers of the importance of communication concepts in the leader-follower relationship, provides readers with a clear presentation of some helpful techniques about how to evaluate their own communication and provides readers with a clear presentation of what can be done to improve his or her communication.

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Write a 1500-word (±10%) popular press magazine article that convinces readers of the importance of communication concepts in
the leader-follower relationship, provides readers with a clear presentation of some helpful techniques about how to evaluate their
own communication and provides readers with a clear presentation of what can be done to improve his or her communication.
Discuss the role of leader communication styles in global environments and cross-cultural communication.
Select a magazine. Your selection should be worthy of your work as a master of leadership student. Before authors submit an
article for publication they must first gain an understanding of the “rules” and guidelines for how the chosen magazine would like
submitted articles to be written. These guidelines are typically found on the website of the journal or magazine being considered.
Follow the guidelines you find for the specific publisher. Be prepared to furnish proof of doing so to the grading professor.
When you submit the document, the text you write in the assignment manager comment box will serve as a memorandum of
transmittal that clearly indicates (a) the selected magazine, (b) the URL of the magazine author guidelines or your understanding of the magazine author guidelines, and (c) a statement of how you understand your article fits those guidelines. Please cover these
three areas in the comment box along with your written assignment.
Examples of writers’ guidelines include, but are not limited to:

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