Posted: April 28th, 2022

Write a 2 paragraph summary of the history and meaning of calligraphy in Islam

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Islamic Calligraphy assignment
30 points
The purpose of this assignment is to explore how and why calligraphy became a major art form in Islamic art.
Begin by looking at this link:
1) Write a 2 paragraph summary of the history and meaning of calligraphy in Islam. (15 points)
2) Choose a work of art from the museum (or another museum) to write about. Include a descriiption of the work (including material, use, history, etc…) Include as much information as you can find about the work, including details of what you learned about the example of calligraphy you selected. You may have to do additional internet research. (15 points)
A total of 4-5 paragraphs; 1 ½ pages in length.
Other helpful links:

The History of Islamic Calligraphy

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