Posted: June 23rd, 2022

Write a 2- to 3-page reflection paper describing how your perception and understanding of decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking has evolved throughout this course.

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This assignment is intended to assess your ability to reflect on personal learning related to the concepts and skills addressed in this course and discuss relationships between topic areas.
For this assignment, students will engage in self-reflection about what they have learned about decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking throughout the course.
Action Items
Reflect on your learnings throughout the course.
Write a 2- to 3-page reflection paper describing how your perception and understanding of decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking has evolved throughout this course. In your discussion, explain how you could apply these insights in the workplace and to what degree you could influence or coach others to help them improve their skills.
Add other reflections, takeaways, a-ha moments, and insights to your paper.
Format the paper in APA style. Include a brief introduction, use section headings for organization, and end the paper with a brief conclusion.
By the due date indicated, upload your work.
Course Introduction
For many people in business, effective management is synonymous with effective decision making. Knowing how to approach decision situations, selecting appropriate tools, and applying them correctly are a developable skill – a skill you can learn and enhance.
Effective decision makers operate at a distinct advantage over possible competition in the marketplace. The essence of good decision making involves understanding the motivations of key people affected by the decision, applying appropriate decision making tools, and recognizing decision-making opportunities when they arise.
The intent of this course is for you to become a more effective decision maker and problem solver. The ultimate test is that you apply the principles and tools you have learned here in your work and home life.
As you work on the course assignments and activities, remember that each time you share your analysis of a problem or proposed solutions people will be evaluating your decision-making skills. While this may seem intimidating, use this to your benefit. Decision making is a skill. The more you hone this skill, the better you become at developing highly effective decisions. It is not so much that practice makes perfect; it is practice with improvement feedback that makes you a better decision maker.
For more on BSAD Grading Criteria, visit this informative page.
Course Description
This course focuses on the development of individual and team decision-making and problem-solving skills. Real-world domestic and global issues will be analyzed, diagnosed, and evaluated through the application of a variety of quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques used to arrive at effective decisions and solutions.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:
Apply critical thinking, reasoning, and analytical skills to practical decision making and problem-solving situations.
Diagnose root causes of a problem through problem statement and restatement, divergent and convergent thinking, devil’s advocacy, cause-and-effect, decision tree and weighted ranking, and process decision program techniques.
Generate plausible problem solution alternatives to self-selected problems.
Propose a solution to a current global problem through team research, analysis, and influential presentation skills.
Evaluate the effectiveness of applied qualitative and quantitative decision making and problem-solving tools.
Assess the outcomes of a decision through the lenses of quality and acceptance.
Evaluate the ethical implications of a decision.

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