Posted: May 26th, 2022

Write a 4-5 page paper on the movie a Civil Action or Enron: The Smartest Guys in the room.

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Write a 4-5 page paper on the movie a Civil Action or Enron: The Smartest Guys in the room. APPLY the principles you have learned in the course to the movie. Please use the same format that you have been using on your written assignments. Yes, it really does work- (keep the Facts short and sweet, set up your Issues, let’s see some solid analysis using the course legal concepts and don’t forget your critical thinking skills) You can rent the movie at your video store, head to your local library or sometimes the Enron movie is on the PBS channel.
The format of the paper must be written this way. It is just based off either one of the movies.
FACTS- (This should be really easy- they come right from the book) ISSUE(s)- (What is the dispute between the parties? What is question to be discussed?)
ISSUE(s)- (What is the dispute between the parties? What is question to be discussed?)
LAW- (What is the applicable law?) Research the law in the chapter, cite and define/explain which laws are applicable.
DISCUSSION- (This is your analysis-include major and minor points and opposing points of view or counterpoints to add depth to your analysis. Remember, use proper paragraphs. Submissions should be at least 2/3 paragraphs.)
CONCLUSION – (Sometimes referred to as the Resolution-I should be able to know your conclusion by the way you framed your issue and by your Discussion-go back to your Issue- see if you answered the question(s) posed in a sentence or two at best.)

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