Posted: November 14th, 2022

Write a letter to mr. person asking him to help you craft and create an online video giving advice to those wishing to enter the import/export business.

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Critical Reasoning and Writing for Business 211
Writing Assignment 4
Persuasive Message
You are the Human Resource Manager at Gettajob Incorporated. At a recent business conference in Long Beach, California, you met an executive named Stephan Person from Lengard Marketing, a firm that imports and exports produce.
Your company creates video content highlighting job search insight from industry leaders. You would love to have Mr. Person participate.
Write a letter to Mr. Person asking him to help you craft and create an online video giving advice to those wishing to enter the import/export business. Be sure to consider why he would be interested in making one of these videos. Anticipate any objections he may have and overcome them. Your company does not have any money to compensate him so come up with some value he will receive by participating. Make up any information not included in this prompt to complete the persuasive message effectively.
Lengard Marketing
Stephan Person
123 Bradley Way
Long Beach, CA 90842

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