Posted: November 4th, 2022

Write a multi-paragraph analysis, comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences in the two story versions.

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I will link the reading below and the movie can be watched on This just needs to be about 2 paragraphs 12 sentences each.
“Read the 1812 version of “Rapunzel” written by the Grimm Brothers and found in the 2011 book titled Folk & Fairy Tales edited by Martin Hallett and Barbara Karasek and published by Broadview Press. Then view the 2010 Disney movie titled Tangled through SWANK (If you have trouble accessing the film, refer to the SWANK GuidelinesLinks to an external site.) Write a multi-paragraph analysis, comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences in the two story versions. Consider characters, settings, plots, events, levels of violence, symbolism, etc. as you compare and contrast the story versions. Remember to properly cite source ideas within the text of your writing as well as in a work cited.”

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