Posted: September 30th, 2022

Write a recruitment advertisement for the new positions which can be sent to existing managers by e-mail.

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Fitzpatrick, Frank (2019). Understanding intercultural interaction: An analysis of key concepts [eBook edition] Emerald Publishing Limited.
Gurchiek, K. (2016, March 22). HR best practices can lead to a better expat experience. SHRM. [Attachment]
Waxin, M-F. & Brewster, C (2020). The recruitment, selection and preparation of expatriates. Global mobility and the management of expatriates, (pp. 44-49). 10.1017/9781108679220. [Attachment]
Gregg Learning. (2019, January 30). Human resource competitive advantage [Video]. YouTube. For the ESSAY: Read International HRM Case Study – Brunt Hotels [Attachment]
Complete activities A, C, E, and G, and answer the following questions:
Activity A: Based on the information you have at the end of Part 1, what do you think the key priorities should be? Use your own words – do not copy and paste from the text Activity C: Write a recruitment advertisement for the new positions which can be sent to existing managers by e-mail. Your advertisement should include, at a minimum, the following information:
Main responsibilities of the new job
The skills you are looking for in the position
Activity E: You are a management consultant who must design a selection process for the candidates. There is no budget limit for the development of the process; the senior management team knows that it is important to get the right person for the job. However, because the new hotels must be up and running quickly, they ask you to design a selection process which will take a maximum of two days. You must present your ideas and be able to justify why your method is appropriate. Activity G: The management team asks you to conduct Internet-based research to find out what expatriate support services are available in France. You should create a list of the services that are available and provide details of at least one organization which could provide the services. These services should then be listed in order of priority for the expatriates. You will present your ideas, so you should be prepared to justify your reasons for prioritizing the services. Do you think Brunt Hotels should mostly hire expatriate or local managers? Why?
Which of the six managers (Case Study – Part Five) is most qualified to head the new division? Why? Which training should they attend to complete their skillset? A summary of the six successful candidates. ***Note: Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.

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