Posted: February 22nd, 2022

write an argumentative essay in which you consider the influence of heritage and cultural identity as it is reflected in Everyday Use by Alice Walker:

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write an argumentative essay in which you consider the influence of heritage and cultural identity as it is reflected in Everyday Use by Alice Walker:
In Everyday Use, it is apparent that Walker, as we have been discussing, wants the reader to feel sympathy for Mama and Maggie. Walker depicts both as simple but noble individuals rooted in their heritage. Dee, on the other hand, is depicted as hypocritical, growing up being embarrassed of her heritage and wanting to distance herself from it, but later trying to connect to her past in an intellectual, superficial way.
Write an essay arguing the extent to which you share Walkers view. Do you see Dee as hypocritical character whose motives are solely selfish? Or might her new-found connection to her heritage be viewed in a more positive light? In other words, although Dees connection to her past takes on a different form than it does for Maggie and Mama, is it also valid?
Here is a link to a useful resource from the University of Georgia that provides historical context for Walker’s “Everyday Use.” The information on the site may help you understand more fully why Dee acts the way she does.
In your essay, be sure to quote from both Everyday Use and the above source.

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