Posted: October 15th, 2022

Write down their views of your ideas in a paragraph per person.

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Come up with 3 business ideas (your own ideas) of new product or new service. Then write a paragraph to describe each of the ideas and explain why you think the idea is innovative/creative. Of the 3 business ideas, which do you think you should pursue? Explain why in one paragraph or more. Talk to two friends or family members or other people such as your teachers, professors, bosses and bankers. Discuss the three ideas. Write down their views of your ideas in a paragraph per person. Then ask them to rank your ideas based on the creativeness of the ideas. Based on their ranking and your own judgment, you choose one best idea from the three ideas. Then for the selected idea, list at least 3 challenges/risks you think you face and further explain how you would take the advantage of those challenges and reduce the risks.

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