Posted: May 23rd, 2022

writing a speech about your views on the United States of America.

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(copied and pasted from assignment instructions, please do the 600 word essay rather than the poem:)
This assignment is designed to give you the space to reflect on and share what you have learned and thought throughout the year. You will be writing a speech about your views on the United States of America.
Today is your time to plan and write your speech/poem. You may brainstorm and draft in any way that is helpful to you.
Choose a situation:
You have been asked to speak at a Naturalization Ceremony (this is the ceremony where new citizens celebrate and receive their citizenship). You will prepare a speech to give to the new citizens about what the United States is and/or could be.
OR You have been chosen to give a speech at the Capital for the 250th anniversary of America’s founding (July 4, 2026). You will prepare a speech to give to the nation about what the United States is and/or could be.
Remember, your speech/poem should meet the following requirements:
Express a clear view of the United States of America: “What is America or what could it be?”
Reflect themes and ideas that you have learned from the American novels that we have read this year. (the great gatsby, of mice and men, the crucible)
You may also include concepts from your U.S. History Class.
Your speech can be in the format of a typical speech OR in the format of a poem (there are mentor texts for each).
Target your audience.
Make sure to consider the situation you chose and to write for your audience.
Use of Aristotelian appeals of pathos, ethos, and logos.
Be the length of a five minute speech. If you are writing a typical speech, that is about 600 words.
Be polished. This should reflect the best writing that you have done this year.
Submit your completed speech/poem here!

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