Posted: September 29th, 2022

You are asked to help an organization develop employee recruiting, screening, interviewing, and selection processes

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You are asked to help an organization develop employee recruiting, screening, interviewing, and selection processes. Based on what you have learned in this course ( Chapters 3-6) write a 4- to 7-page paper that includes the following:
Introduction – This should describe the company you are consulting with. It should describe the industry they are in, the size of the organization, and some brief notes on what you have been asked to do.
Review of the current situation – Describe how the company currently goes through the selection process of employees in detail . You do not need to evaluate the methods yet, just describe them.
Evaluate the current system – In this section, you should describe what the organization is doing correctly and what it is doing that is not efficient or effective. Use sources to support this section.
Recommendations – Describe what changes the organization should make and what these new changes would look like within the organization in detail. Use sources to support this section. You can make up the information about the organization or if you like, use an organization you are familiar with. Do not use an actual process by a company, create your own so you have an opportunity to craft it in a way to best display your understanding of the course content. What is important is you demonstrate you can use what you have learned from your I/O textbook and any outside references that are appropriate. In fact, to complete this paper you must use at least two outside academic resources. One of these sources must be peer-reviewed articles.

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