Posted: February 22nd, 2022
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FIRST: The thesis statement is due by this Wednesday the assignment is due the 21th.
Scenario: You are the CEO of a mid-sized, not-for-profit community hospital which is the sole hospital in the community. The only competition for your facility within thecommunity is a free-standing physician-owned imaging center. The physician whoowns the center has decided to retire from medicine and is contemplatingselling the service to help fund his retirement. Your hospital has anopportunity to purchase this center. How do you proceed?
These are just a few of the blatant variables that need tobe processed in a purchase decision. There are other variables that will needto be considered.
You will have to analyze the financialoperations of the center including the evaluation of future financialviability.
You will need to establish a purchase price sothat an offer can be made, examine any and all tax ramifications, and explorepotential funding mechanisms for the purchase.
Task: From thisscenario you will prepare a written purchaseproposal for your Board of Trustees that identifies and details the researchand various steps taken to make a purchase decision. You will be responsiblefor assigning values to the various variables but those values must berealistic. Keep in mind that the Board members may not have experience withthis topic and education will be required.
There are three stepsto this written purchase proposal:
1. Bythe end of Unit 2, post your thesis statement for this proposal on the coursesite for instructor approval.
2. Uponapproval and guidance of the thesis statement by the instructor, complete allneeded research as suggested in the scenario. Use a mixture of course reading,professional association Web-based materials, and professional or peer-reviewedjournal articles written in the last five years. A minimum of five sources withat least two being professional or peer-reviewed journal articles is required.Real world application/examples must also be used.
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