Posted: June 21st, 2022

You are the Chief Aerodynamicist for an exciting new startup called Zoom Aero. T

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You are the Chief Aerodynamicist for an exciting new startup called Zoom Aero. The company is planning to build a technologically advanced commercial airliner. I am the CEO and Chief Paycheck Signer of Zoom Aero. The situation is this: My green eyeshade accounting staff has told me that a straight wing for our new airliner can be built much cheaper than your design for a swept supercritical airfoil. The aircraft will have a design cruise speed of .82 Mach at Flight Level 410 (41,000 ft). My background is in Law and Finance. Your job is to convince me of the folly of using a cheaper straight wing design instead of our advanced supercritical swept wing. Imagine you are conducting a face to face verbal tutorial on high speed aerodynamics. Did I mention that I am the Chief Paycheck Signer? Please proceed.

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