Posted: August 4th, 2022

You are to select a firm that is experiencing significant economic, social, and personal distress as a result of the fallout from COVID and the measures taken to combat it. You are writing as a managerial economics consultant with no way of predicting the course of the virus, how long it and restrictions on business activities will last, or what the economic climate will be like in the future.

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You are to select a firm
that is experiencing significant economic, social, and personal distress as a
result of the fallout from COVID and the measures taken to combat it. You are
writing as a managerial economics consultant with no way of predicting the course
of the virus, how long it and restrictions on business activities will last, or
what the economic climate will be like in the future. Begin by providing a
BRIEF background and history of the firm and its place in the industry/economy
they operate in. Historical information is to be short. More important is their
current status – but not the most important. The firm you are consulting for
knows its history and is primarily interested in learning about what it can do
in the present and near future – this is where the great majority of your work
should be. Detail the challenges they face at present and may encounter
in the days ahead. Frame these challenges in the context of the real risks and
uncertainties being dealt with. With the goal of helping the firm to eventually
reach a fully functioning and healthy, profitable state, you are to provide
recommendations for what actions they should take to deal with these
successfully. This is the core of the project and where the majority of
your efforts are to be directed. These actions should be practical, achievable,
and clearly stated – no fuzzy, feel-good notions allowed. The material should
be based on what you gain from sound industry/firm/economic/societal research
and the application of a broad range of concepts and theories covered in this
course, with more from economics and other relevant areas added at your
Do not select a business
that is currently successful, like Google, Facebook, Home Depot, etc. Find one
that is of interest to you that is experiencing real distress and may not
survive. Do not use any work from previous classes or individuals (your own or
others). The material in this Research Project is to be CURRENT – as in up to
today if possible – with a clear focus on what can be done in the days ahead.
Grading Criteria:
Content Knowledge &
Structure (25 points): All of the requested components are completed as
assigned; content is on topic and related to managerial economics, and critical
thinking is clearly demonstrated (few, if any, direct quotations from the
source in the paper); scholarly research is demonstrated; topics and concepts
gained from the assigned reading and/or from research are evident.
Critical Thinking (15
points): Demonstrates substantial critical thinking about topics and solid
interpretation of materials and reflection.
Clarity & Effective
Communication (15 points): Communication is clear, concise, and well presented;
scholarly writing is demonstrated; grammar, sentence structure, writing in the third
person, and word choice are used correctly.
Integration of Knowledge
& Articles (15 points): Articles used are current and relevant (preferably
published within the last five (5) years and MUST be from peer-reviewed journal
article publications. At least four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles are
examined and analyzed in the paper.
Presentation &
Writing Mechanics (30 points): Cover page, headings, in-text citations, page
citations (page number citations required for specific information such as
dates, years, list of items from article, names, numbers, statistics, and other
specific information), and references are properly formatted.
Please Note: Plagiarism
will not be tolerated. The paper must be written in your own words.

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