Posted: October 11th, 2022

You may do this in your group or as an individual.

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You may do this in your group or as an individual. Your team will prepare a 15-20 page business plan plus exhibits and 10 slide presentation. This assignment is a preparation of a business plan for a domestic venture of your own. Entrepreneurs are individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social problems. They are ambitious and persistent, tackling issues and offering new ideas.
The business plan it is a major component of this class. As part of a team, you are required to participate. To make sure teams don’t have free rider syndrome. A 360 peer evaluation from each team member must be submitted (See Appendix A). Those team members who do not contribute to the team based on peer reviews will receive one letter grade reduction on the team grade of the business plan. If a team member is pointed out as having stellar contribution within the team by all the members he/she will receive a 5% increase in their team grade. You may also be fired from a team for non participation. The team is required to give a verbal and written warning to those members who are not contributing and if the team member continues to slack off the team can fire them with a written notice (emailed also to the professor). The fired team member will then complete all group work as an individual with no time extensions.
You need to create a business plan for either a small business or entrepreneurial venture you would like to start. You may use the Small Business Administration template to help you out in your business plan creation. It is located at :

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