Posted: March 9th, 2022

You will a complete text analysis on a song by Mare Advertencia Lrika called Y T Qu Esperas?

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You will a complete text analysis on a song by Mare Advertencia Lrika called Y T Qu Esperas?
Listen to the song and read the lyrics, in English (Please refer to the bottom of this assignment for rough English translations).
Things to consider:
Identify themes in the song, by looking for repetition, metaphors, and/or analogies.
Be sure to also include the kind of imagery that is being portrayed in the lyrics and the music videos.
Watch these two video performances and compare and contrast their content.

Did you get a different impression and/or feeling after having watched the song performed?  Make sure to discuss if you did or did not, and why, in your analysis.
Discuss the impact that language (Spanish and/or English) has on the interpretation of lyrics and text analysis.
Whose voice/perspective is present in the song?
Were any voices/perspectives missing?
Writing Your Paper: Incorporate Class Themes
In your four-page paper, be sure to discuss/use class concepts, themes, and terminology we have discussed, as you analyze your selected commercial.  Connect the current struggles that the song touches upon, with the struggles and violence that indigenous populations endured during the colonial period.
You MUST include lecture material (Lecture: Conquest, Colonialism, and Resistance), and discuss the role of racial and class divisions.
You MUST define and incorporate all of the vocabulary terms mentioned below.  You must not only define the terms below, but you must ALSO explain how each term applies to your research.
Language Prestige (review PowerPoint 1 Introduction)
Ethnocentrism (review PowerPoint 1 Introduction)
Cultural Relativism (review PowerPoint 1 Introduction)
You must include EACH of the following readings:
Rajagopalan Reading Between the Lines.  An Indigenous Account of Conquest on the Missing Folio of Codex Azcatitlan
Santner Introduction: Visualizing Blackness in Colonial Latin America
***This does NOT mean simply inputting a quote.  It means you have provided deep, thoughtful analysis about how the class readings can help to better understand and contextualize the song.***
Paper Requirements:
4 pages minimum (you may write more if you wish)
Times New Roman Style Font
12-point font
In-Text CITATIONS AND a work cited section
Format for in-text citations = (authors last name publication year: page #).
For example: (Flores 2016:23). Please see Chicago Style Guide for details on In-Text Citation.

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