Posted: February 5th, 2023

You will also go through the above steps to create a personal write-up for a dif

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You will also go through the above steps to create a personal write-up for a different article in
the list above. This write-up will also be worth 20 pts that will be ineligible for dropped points.
Personal write-ups should be typed and should answer all pertinent information discussed
above. Write-ups should be at least 2 pages in length and can take a paragraph or question and
answer format, as long as all of the questions listed above are addressed. Writing tone should
be professional and scientific and the write-up should faithfully and thoroughly answer the
questions listed in this packet. Grading will be based on how well these criteria are met.
the questions are in the attached pdf and all QUESTIONS need to be answered on the personal write-up paper.
I’ve attached the paper that I want a write-up on as well

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