Posted: May 25th, 2022

You will need to discuss various market strategies for V2Food company for developed markets.

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You will need to discuss various market strategies for V2Food company for developed markets.
(v2food Pty Ltd | ACN: 630 306 713)
Tip 1: Research and analyse the firm’s existing internationalisation strategies, if they have been entering and establishing in an emerging market (e.g., like China or India), or an advanced economy (e.g., like the USA or NZ).
Tip 2: If the vegan company you have selected has not been presented in any international market, you should analyse and suggest a potential internationalisation entry strategy for the firm targeting different market and justify why that market is selection for the target destination (e.g., emerging market like China or India; advanced economy like USA, UK or NZ). One potential target market is sufficient for discussion purpose.
Tip 3: Theoretical focuses: International entry strategy theories (e.g., the theories need to be anchored through your academic research). Conduct research and develop your analysis with appropriate international business theories.
Possible academic research journals: (Your research outlets should not limit to these listed journals. These are some of the most well-known International Business Academic Journals for your reference.)
Journal of International Business Studies,
Journal of World Businesses,
International Management,
Global Strategy Journal,
Academy of Management Journal,
British Journal of Management,
Australian Journal of Management,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management,
International Business Review,
Journal of International Management,
Journal of International Marketing.

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