Posted: September 26th, 2022

Your assignment is to justify why the second layout (“a better warehouse layout”) is actually better than the first layout (“a traditional warehouse layout”).

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Hello everybody! Your assignment is the following:
Please read chapter 8 from your Emmett book and then review the following image:
The image above shows a traditional warehouse layout and an improved one.
Your assignment is to justify why the second layout (“A better warehouse layout”) is actually better than the first layout (“A traditional warehouse layout”). Use the content provided in your book, the content area (including the video) , and maybe other additional resources that you may locate (please cite your sources properly) to explain me in detail why the second layout is the improved version of the first one. If you disagree, and you think that the first layout (the traditional one) is better than the second one, then you will need to justify why you believe the traditional option is better. Regardless of which one you consider to better serve its purpose, you need to use the information provided to you, to justify your choice.
Please take into consideration that the following image shows the warehouse flow process corresponding to the layouts previously shown.
You must create a word document with your answers and should be submitted it in this drop-box.
Your answer must be at least a one-page single-space document.
Your assignment is due no later than 11:50 PM CST on the date indicated on the Course Schedule (after that time this assignment will not be available and it cannot be submitted anymore).

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