Posted: July 26th, 2022

Your company (you determine the type of company and what it does) needs to build a headquarters somewhere in the world. As has been discussed in this module, the economics of the world and the international market make the world “flatter” than ever before

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What is it: A report for decision making (or what is sometimes called a recommendation report). Your report will aid a reader in solving a problem by presenting the results of research and your evaluation of the significance of the findings. The recommendations will suggest specific actions to solve the problem. Your research methods will probably include library (or secondary) research, but since the problem is particular to a time and place, you might also conduct research by “primary” means of information gathering. The report will highlight criteria for decision making in its structure.
Purpose: Your report will answer the following question:
Is X or Y better for a specific purpose? (comparative analysis)
Tasks: Your recommendation report should address the following scenario/prompt:
Your company (you determine the type of company and what it does) needs to build a headquarters somewhere in the world. As has been discussed in this module, the economics of the world and the international market make the world “flatter” than ever before. As such, you have many options open and available to you for where to locate your business’ headquarters. For this assignment, you will take the three countries you researched for your discussion prompt and turn that information into a recommendation report to argue where the headquarters should be located and provide valid reasoning as to why that is the case.
Format and Length: Your report will include the following elements:
title page with descriptive abstract
table of contents
list of visuals (if you have more than two)
glossary (if necessary)
executive summary
discussion section organized according to criteria for decision making
conclusions, recommendations
appropriate documentation, in proper APA format
Number pages, use a running header, and use headings in the report text
Length: The body of the report, including introduction and conclusions, will probably run about 4-7 double-spaced pages in 12-point Times New Roman type. The preliminary and supplemental pages will be additional.
Evaluation criteria
I will evaluate the reports according to these expectations:
The executive summary reflects the entire report concisely. Introduction, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are covered. Significant factual information is present. Sentences are efficient, and the summary does not exceed one page.
The introduction states a problem (with who-what-when-where-why-so what information), identifies a research question, explains methods, and forecasts the rest of the report.
The body section reflect criteria for decision-making. Headings are parallel. Each body section is a mini report, with an introduction, findings, and conclusion. The introduction defines the issue and explains its significance. The findings report what you have discovered through research. The “conclusion” (just on that issue) tries to define the significance of the findings for the research question and to reconcile any conflicts.
The conclusion section for the entire report weighs the results from all the criteria and answers the research question. All the criteria should be accounted for. The conclusion does not introduce any new criteria. The section includes interpretive (not just factual) statements: words like “more important because…” or “a more immediate need” or “long term benefits outweigh short-term costs.” You put the findings for each criteria in relation to one another. You justify and explain your answer to the research question. The conclusion answers the research question: An explicit statement will say something like “A is the better choice” or “X is not feasible at this time.”
The recommendations direct specific action (without explanation or justification). The recommendations may (but do not have to be) in list form. If there is a list, the verbs may be “command” verbs (imperative mood). Items in the list are in parallel form.
All the report parts are present (title, table of contents, executive summary, report, illustrations, references etc.). Illustrations support the argument (they highlight important information that would be harder to understand with words alone) and they are constructed and labeled according to conventions. Format reveals the structure. Headings show main divisions. A running head and page numbers help readers find their place. Preliminary pages are numbered with roman numerals. Sentence style emphasizes strong verbs. Grammar and mechanics are correct. References are complete and accurate. The citation style is the one used by the writer’s discipline (e.g., APA for social science and business, reference notes for engineering, MLA for literature, Chicago-author/date for technical writing).
AND, finally: The problem is significant, research is good, reasoning is sound. The report is convincing and important.

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