Posted: August 19th, 2022

Your goal is to find something that would appeal to you as a small business owne

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Your goal is to find something that would appeal to you as a small business owner
With this project we will create a via business plan.
Each student will be providing their own business, and video presentation
this is the instruction i was given from my teacher. she gave no guidelines and the only thing she provided was a video example of what the project should be. i do have the video, just unsure of how to provide that to you. so what it goes over is just a bussiness plan.
slide 1. (About us) create/makeup a business, what is the bussiness about?
slide 2. (Problem) what the problem in why this bussiness is needed?
slide 3.. (solution) solution to the problem
slide 4. (product/service) whats the product/service? what makes it special, any benefits?
slide 5. mission statement
slide 6. chart for target audience
slide 7. bussiness plan, what is the product like? what are the priorities?
slide 8. pricing? packages? list 2 types of whatever the service/bussiness offers
slide 9 whats the starting plan, future plan?
slide 10. what makes it unique?
slide 11. what is the competion?
slide 12. summary

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