Posted: October 11th, 2022

Your goal then is to compose a brief, informative document that includes findings only relevant to your superior and organized in a way that allows quick reading.

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The student provides a succinct summary and analysis of a given topic (e.g. the effectiveness of a current marketing strategy or the career opportunities of a specific major) to be delivered to a superior (e.g. team leader of a marketing team or the Director of Career Services). Similar to the Unsolicited Recommendation, the Internal Memorandum (600-900 words, single-spaced) requires an argument that appeals primarily through logic, relying on facts, statistics, and reputable sources to support claims. Unlike the Unsolicited Recommendation, however, the Internal Memorandum was requested by the superior, which means certain information is expected and the organization direct. Your goal then is to compose a brief, informative document that includes findings only relevant to your superior and organized in a way that allows quick reading.

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