Posted: December 9th, 2022

Your project is to publish three legal contracts. One with terms that would be ide

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Your project is to publish three legal contracts. One with terms that would be ideal to the buyer, one that would be ideal to the seller, and one with terms that both the buyer and the seller agree to.  You are then to write a brief summary about how the three are different and why.
The apple of your eye, your beloved, Chinese Crested dogs named Rod Stewart and Pat Benatar, have just had a litter of pure‐bred puppies. You would like to sell the puppies for $1,200 each.
You have had problems in the past with previous buyers either wanting to return the dog, or having a misunderstanding about terms of your agreement.  Therefore, you plan to have each buyer sign a contract so that there will be no misunderstandings in the future.
Willie Jones wants to buy one of your puppies. He is willing to pay $1,200. Mr. Jones eventually intends to show this dog in dog shows and wants your guarantee that the dog will do well and win prizes. He insists that he will not buy the puppy unless you can guarantee him that the puppy will win prizes.
Puppy details:
It is a white and brown, male dog, named “Timberlake”
His litter registration number is 15‐500.
His Sire is “Rod Stewart”; registration number 7658765.
His Dame is “Pat Benatar”; registration number 1029385.
You may use any sources you can find, including any sample contracts you might locate on the Internet. This is the one time that you do NOT have to worry about plagiarizing work…lawyers use samples from other lawyers all the time. BUT you do have to make the sure the contracts are legal and enforceable. If you do this, you must cite and/or reference where you found the work from.
The key to success with these contracts is to remember that parties can agree to any terms they want (as long as they are legal) and the buyer of this dog wants a guarantee that the dog will win prizes.

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