Posted: September 23rd, 2022

Your request must also be realistic, meaning that there is a chance that your audience will behave differently if you communicate well, and you would be able to act out this influence attempt if you chose to.

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Pick something at work or school that you want your boss, peer(s), or subordinate(s) to do differently. This must be something that requires influence —i.e., something that they will not choose to do by themselves, and that they will not do unless influenced to do it. Your request must also be realistic, meaning that there is a chance that your audience will behave differently if you communicate well, and you would be able to act out this influence attempt if you chose to. What you request also must be important to you, not trivial — e.g., giving you a raise, not lending you a pen. If you have trouble picking something, please speak with me.
Next, address the five items below:
1. Request. (2 points)
What is your request? Describe briefly what you want them to do. Why does this request require influence? How do you know they are unlikely do it without this influence attempt?
2. Audience Analysis. (5 points)
Who is your audience, and how “involved” are they according to the audience analysis framework? What important identities does your audience hold that you may be able to appeal to? Based on what you understand about your audience, how must you tailor your message?
3. The Message. (4 points)
Include here the content of your message. If the message is to be delivered in writing (e.g., a memo) then include it here verbatim (e.g., include the memo). If you are to deliver the message through a conversation or presentation, then include a script and any accompanying visual aids. For the sake of this assignment, please keep this section under two pages long (double-spaced).
4. Influence Tactics. (8 points)
Which class concepts, such as influence tactics and the SUCCES framework, have you used to make your message more effective? Name each concept that you use and describe how you applied the concept in your message. Also discuss any actions you will take to increase the likelihood of your message succeeding. This is the most important section of the paper (as suggested by the higher number of points tied to it).
5. Reality Check. (1 point)
Will you really deliver this message? Why or why not?
Most good submissions for this assignment are 5-7 double-spaced pages, not including optional title pages, references or appendices. Please review the general formatting requirements for papers in this class. Use headers to separate your answers to each assignment question.

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