Posted: July 28th, 2022

You’ve recently been hired as the quality manager (QM) at an urgent care clinic connected to a larger network of hospitals. To understand the current performance of the hospital you decide to spend your first two weeks reviewing all the patient records in the following data set:

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recently been hired as the quality manager (QM) at an urgent care clinic
connected to a larger network of hospitals. To understand the current
performance of the hospital you decide to spend your first two weeks reviewing
all the patient records in the following data set:
Data set
from page 194 of the textbook.
This data
set represents a portion of a larger report about patients who visited the
clinic on a specific day. The information includes the identification number
assigned to each patient, followed by patient age and gender. After this visit,
the patients were mailed a survey to gather satisfaction scores. The results
are represented in the opinion column. A score of:
1 is very
2 is poor
3 is neutral
4 is good
5 is very
The clinic
administrator has supplied the total time each patient spent in the clinic for
this visit and the number of prior visits to the clinic for each patient. The
billing department has provided the payment type and the charges billed for the
visit in the charges column. The patient’s admission blood pressure data come
from his or her EHR. The clinic administrator will ask you questions about
these data, and your answers will be used to set performance goals and
strategic objectives for the clinic.
Answer the
1. What type of data is found in each
column (e.g., categorical [nominal]; interval [continuous])? After naming,
describe what each data is, how it is used and what it represents. 2. Which numerical summary measures
would you use to summarize the data in each column (e.g., mean, median, mode,
range, standard deviation)? Explain your choice. 3. What type of graphical methods would
you use to represent the data in each column (e.g., bar chart, run chart) and
why is this the best option? Use insights from AHRQ’s discussion on data
visualization and any independent research you perform, discuss how you could
use techniques to visualize this information for greater understanding.
4. Based on your exploration of this
data, what are three questions you think the clinic administrator will ask
regarding the use of this data to help set performance goals and objectives?

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