After watching films, you will write a 400-word essay that demonstrates your critical thinking skills associated with the film’s content. In your essays, you should briefly summarize the film/podcast, provide reflective analysis, and incorporate anthropological terms and concepts relevant to the film/podcast’s themes. Youtube video: Appetite for Destruction: Eating Bluefin Tuna into Extinction by Munchies
Read the two short New York Times articles by journalist Ian Johnson linked in this week’s Module. Post an entry here sharing your reactions, reflections, takeaways (click the “Reply” button below). This is somewhat open-ended but draw any connections you find between Stuart Hall’s discussion of “the West and the Rest” and these articles by […]
Read: Hall, Stuart. 1993. “The West and the Rest: Discourse and Power.” In Formations of Modernity, edited by Stuart Hall and Bram Gieben, 184-227. Oxford: Polity Press. Part 1: My Three MITs (Most Interesting/Important Topics) Identify the three topics in Hall’s article you found to be most interesting or important and briefly discuss what you […]
simply discussing your interests in China and Japan — e.g., connections you feel, curiosities or assumptions you may have, things you especially want to learn, any previous studies you’ve done, how many times you’ve been to either place, how well you speak the languages…anything.
To answer questions on the short papers (this was covered in class on Thursday). You can pick any topic relevant to that section of the class. For the first paper that includes all the stuff we did on cognitive bias, perception errors, logical fallacies, memory errors, and UFOs (coming up this week). Then write 4-5 […]
My professor asks the questions: Why are Hadza livelihoods so important for understanding human diversity? Is it because they are “remnants of the human past”? (The answer to that question is NO, because Hadza are as MODERN as YOU). Is it because they live in a small “primitive” society? (The answer to that question is […]
INSTRUCTIONS: READ: Bliege Bird, R., Smith, E., & Bird, D. W. (2001). The hunting handicap: costly signaling in human foraging strategies. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50(1), 9-19. (Attached) REQUIREMENTS: – Answer each of the following questions separately; do not submit an essay. – Answers should be in complete sentences, use correct grammar and punctuation, not […]
What can archaeology tell us about health or illness?Can you relate to an example or personal experience? reading:
Videos: Robert Gardner, Dead Birds, 1964. (Papua-New Guinea) Timothy Asch, The Ax Fight 1971 & A Man Called ‘Bee’ 1974. (Venezuela/Brazil) John Marshall, The Hunters . shot in 1952-53, released in 1957. (Namibia) George Stoney, How The Myth Was Made (1978).(Aran Islands). pass: myth Qustions: What is the “noble savage” trope? Choose one of the […]
Please read the textbook and answer the following questions. Thank you. 1. What is Archaeology? 2. History of Archaeology, theories, and method