Algorithms & Data Structures

5.1 variables, ranges and keys

This assessment is an individual report about the design of an OOP system using Data Structures and Algorithms. The report should follow the following structure using the actual case study that will be available on Moodle (in assessment section) by week 8. 1. Title Page 2. Executive Summary 3. Introduction 4. Background 5. Case Study […]

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Date: September 29th, 2022

A flowchart that is relevant to the steps of the machine learning process, from data ingest through communicating the results or taking actions based on the findings of the prototyped solution.

A flowchart that is relevant to the steps of the machine learning process, from data ingest through communicating the results or taking actions based on the findings of the prototyped solution. A discussion of the data characteristics, chosen algorithm, visualization(s) for the algorithm, and code for the algorithm(s). Any code or screenshots, as well as […]

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Date: August 16th, 2022

Discuss the data to be used within the opportunity.

Part 1: Establish the beginning of a machine learning proposal that would recommend the use of machine learning algorithms in a practical and real-world scenario. For this opportunity, provide the background on the nature of the opportunity, give potential data to be used, and clearly articulate the desired goal and outcome. Ensure data are available […]

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Date: August 15th, 2022

Learning Goal: I’m working on a algorithms & data structures presentation and ne

Learning Goal: I’m working on a algorithms & data structures presentation and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Coding is a step-by-step process in which different computer programmes are designed and developed to achieve certain computer results. The process includes various tasks such as analysis, coding, generation of algorithms, precision controls and […]

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Date: August 15th, 2022

The contemporary age of big data is characterized by rapid improvements in information and communications technology, which have facilitated the rapid creation and collecting of massive amounts of diverse and useful data (which may be of different veracity including precise, imprecise and uncertain data)

The contemporary age of big data is characterized by rapid improvements in information and communications technology, which have facilitated the rapid creation and collecting of massive amounts of diverse and useful data (which may be of different veracity including precise, imprecise and uncertain data). Social networks, which are rich sources of big data, are made […]

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Date: August 3rd, 2022