Business and Management

General definitions or generic statements should be avoided.

Please see the uploaded documents General Requirements for Company Case Position Papers Format Requirements • The company case position papers must be prepared as a MS Word document and submitted via Canvas. • Narrative/paragraph format must be used. Do not use bullet points or a table. • Use of subheadings (sections) is optional. • Apply […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

Recommend limiting to chosen organization.

A paper currently written need corrections Specific comments: Chapter 2 has extra theories and I’m not sure why or how they will be used (not discussed in chapter 1 overview) Military to Civilian Transition seems to be a primary theory used and is hidden under the title Critical Race Theory and I don’t see CRT […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

How might leaders get employees motivated from the ‘inside out’?

Please watch the video How to Find and Do Work You Love. Please note that Scott Dinsmore, the inspirational individual in the video, passed away while climbing in the Himalayas in December 2015. He died pursuing one of his favorite challenges, making his message even more inspirational. After watching the video, answer the following questions: […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

Why is it important to project the first-year financial performance on a monthly basis and the subsequent yearly budgets, on a quarterly basis?

1. Describe why social responsibility and policy are key issues in strategic management and how you will integrate them in your recommendations for your CLC group’s company. The company is Amazon. 2. What global and international considerations should be made when conducting business? 3. Why is it important to project the first-year financial performance on […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

Your request must also be realistic, meaning that there is a chance that your audience will behave differently if you communicate well, and you would be able to act out this influence attempt if you chose to.

Pick something at work or school that you want your boss, peer(s), or subordinate(s) to do differently. This must be something that requires influence —i.e., something that they will not choose to do by themselves, and that they will not do unless influenced to do it. Your request must also be realistic, meaning that there […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022


For this activity you need to take the Leader’s Self-Insight 4.5 survey (Leader Self-Insigth.pdf ), post your results and answer the following questions 1.- Were you surprised by your results? Yes/No (Explain) 2.- Do you agree that self-awareness is essential for being a good leader? Why? Format: 1 page, single space, Times New Roman 12-Font […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

The text refers to imb, xerox, kellogg, etc.

College papers should be a min of 3-5 pages not including the separate cover and reference pages. This means a min of approximately 900-1000 words. APA formatting includes times new roman 12 pitch regular font throughout with double spacing (no extra lines between paragraphs). Always have a minimum of 2 or more references excluding yourself […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

Format your work in proper apa format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course rubric, a minimum of five (5) full pages of written content, and a references section.

Final Project Week 8 Instructions: Based upon what you have learned, and the research you have conducted, why is it important for HR Management to transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner? Provide a brief history of the HR function (i.e., not more than 1 page), and research regarding a specific […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022

Question 2:

Business Law A significant part of my law practice is devoted toward legal representation in bankruptcy proceedings. Our firm regularly represents debtors in corporate reorganizations cases (Chapter 11) as well creditors seeking to enforce their rights against debtors. This type of practice requires a good grasp of contract law, financial transactions, and the Bankruptcy Code. […]

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Date: September 23rd, 2022